I Resolve

Every year around this time I start thinking of my resolutions for the coming year. Usually, by this time next month, I have given up. Never the less, I continue to make new resolutions every year. This good because no matter how miserably I fail, I always keep trying. I think this is true for most people.

So for 2012, I have resolved to lose a couple of pounds in a healthy way. Losing no more than one pound a week, working out a minimum of three times per week, and eating what I want but in moderation. Hopefully this plan will prove successful. Also on my resolution list is to own a Boston terrier! This one will for sure be a success because I will not rest until I have a Boston puppy. I should probably be that adamant about the weight loss! Haha!

My New Year’s Resolutions 2012:

1. Lose Weight

2. Get a Boston Terrier


These are the top 10 New Year’s Resolutions:

1. Spend more time with family and friends

2. Get fit

3. Lose weight

4. Quit smoking

5. Enjoy life more

6. Quit drinking

7. Get out of debt

8. Learn something new

9. Help others

10. Get organized


Not too shabby. Did you make a new year’s resolution? Was it on the top 10 list? How well do you think you’ll stick with it?

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  1. Pingback: Retro Wednesday {New Years Resolutions 2012} — Arkansas Women Bloggers

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